The Art of Chinese Horse painting

by ChinaArtlover
Chinese Horse Painting by Gao Teng

The Art of Chinese Horse painting

Without restraint, the horse is a universal symbol of freedom. Horses are ranked quite high in traditional Chinese understanding and they have as well a high status in classic Chinese painting as a symbol of energy, ambition, and aspiration. The horse is one of the most appealing animals in Chinese art. It is one of the most loved animals in the country when it comes to painting, and therefore has remained a favorite subject for many famous artists. No surprise that Chinese Horse painting is today one of the most popular themes in Chinese ink painting (Guo Hua).

The Horse in Chinese zodiac signs

In the Chinese zodiac, there are traditionally twelve animal signs and the horse (⾺) ranks at seventh position. There is a long tradition of the Horse in Chinese mythology. Certain characteristics of the Horse nature are supposed to be typical of or to be associated with either a year of the Horse and its events or in regard to the personality of someone born in such a year. In ancient times it was also known as the “noon horse” because horse ran and neighed widely at noon.

Chinese Horse Zodiac
Chinese horse zodiac

Male Horse personalities are independent and unrestrained. They are quick-witted, cheerful, incandescent, sincere and optimistic. While Female Horse personalities are energetic, fashionable, pretty, lively and light-headed. Some of them are gentle while some are unruly. However, they can always earn admiration from others. (surprise!)

Chinese horse painting history

In the Tang Dynasty, the subject of horse painting gains a massive rise. It was the emperor Taizong who ruled china from A.D 626 to 649 not only showed interest in the procurement of horses but he also paid attention to the art of horse painting. In his era, the Chinese horse painting flourishes and by depicting horse activities through their arts artist gain huge recognition and appreciation.

Famous Chinese Horse paintings

There has been some great Chinese artist over the years which includes some renowned names as well for painting horses. Their famous horse paintings have been listed among the widely acclaimed top masterpiece of Chinese painting. Few of these splendid and mesmerizing paintings are listed below along with their great painters.

Ink-wash galloping horse

Chinese Horse painting by  Xu Beihong
“Galloping Horse,” painted in 1941 before the Second Changsha Battle between Japanese invaders and Chinese army

While talking about the famous Chinese horse painting the first name that came into the mind of most art lovers would be “ink-wash galloping horse”. It was painted in 1941 with a 326cm x 112cm dimension.

It was painted by Xu Beihong who is considered to be the pioneer of modern Chinese painting particularly horse painting at the beginning of the 20th century.

Xu Beihong’s painted the most famous Chinese horse painting “ink-wash galloping horse” a traditional Chinese ink-wash brushstroke along with a typical western perspective. Such a masterpiece with this combination was never seen before in traditional Chinese painting.

He was born in an ordinary family but his talent wasn’t ordinary for sure. It was because of his efforts and art that the horse becomes the symbol of national spirit and unity he has painted multiple masterpieces through his career. He transformed Chinese painting with his vivid portraits of horses.

Night-Shining White

Chinese Horse Painting by  Han Gan
“Night-Shining White” painted by Han Gan

This portrait of “Night-Shining White“, a favorite steed of Emperor Xuanzong, is probably one of the most famous horse paintings in Chinese art. The animal with its fiery temperament is the epitome of Chinese legends about imported “heavenly steeds” that “sweated blood” and were in fact dragons in disguise.

The painting is a masterpiece of the famous Chinese painter Han Gan. It is a monochrome ink on a paper painting created in mid of the 8th century with 30.8cm x 34 cm dimensions.

With a fiery-tempered, burning eye, dancing hoof, and flaring nostrils Han Gan painted this famous Chinese painting to not only capture the outer appearance of the subject but inner essence as well.

Han Gan came from a poor background during the tang dynasty. Later he was recognized by the famous poet of that era Wang Wei who sponsored him learning the arts of painting.

This image is attributed to Han Gan, who was known to depict not only the physical characteristics of a horse but also its spirit. Although Han allegedly preferred to visit stables rather than study earlier horse pictures, the profile picture and anatomical abstraction are clearly derived from older models.

One hundred horses

Chinese Horses painted by Lang Shining
Part of the “One Hundred Horses” painted by famous painter Lang Shining (Giuseppe Castiglione) in 1728

 “One hundred horses” another famous Chinese horse painting was drawn by Lang Shining whose real name was Giuseppe Castiglione in 1728. He was an Italian painter who served the Qing dynasty as a court painter for more than 50 years. His painting abilities were highly rated among Chinese emperors. He was highly skillful at painting horses. This “one hundred horses” painting was 813 cm long(!) and 102 cm wide having a hundred horses in different postures kneeling, running, standing and eating.

Following the taste and tradition of painting in China, Castiglione was able to forge a new style that combined elements with his Western training in art. His paintings were done with Chinese materials but often incorporate Western techniques of shading and atmospheric perspective. In addition to the shadows, Castiglione has adapted the traditional texture stroke methods of Chinese painting to give the objects even more substance. The emphasis on washes of color, however, still reveals the focus on native techniques.

Some modern horse painting artist

There are quite a few artists today who are mastered incredible skills in horse painting which includes:

Gao Teng 

He has been in this field since 1995. An expert in drawing animals. The galloping horses she painted were unrestrained and lifelike.

Chinese Horse Painting by Gao Teng
Chinese Horse Painting by Gao Teng

Chen Tian Xiang

A professional painter who is certified from the Fine Arts Department of Guangxi. Quite a talented painter specialized in beast painting and particularly horse painting. His work was welcomed by sino-foreign collectors.

Chinese Horse Painting by Chen Tian Xiang

Jun Lin

Sichuan native, born in 1968. He is fond of drawing horses, dragons and so on. He is an advanced painter of Bashu Art academy and also a member of Chendu Calligraphy and painting association. His animal and particularly horse painting series are quite famous among the public in China and Asia.

Chinese Horse Painting by Jun Lin
Chinese Horse Painting by Jun Lin

Qin Feng Ying 

Qin Feng Ying comes from Mengshan county of Wuzhou. She graduated from the craft department of Guangxi Art institute. Her artwork is collected by different celebrities from within China.

Chinese Horse Painting by Qin Feng Ying
Chinese Horse Painting by Qin Feng Ying

Horses in Chinese Society

By studying the significance of horse art in China we get to know how deeply Chinese are in love with this. They feel proud of having a horse painting in their house as it is a symbol of power and strength.

Moreover, the sign of Chinese tourism is also designed based on a galloping horse a brown sculpture that depicts the strength and moving rhythms.

Chinese Horse Art in Logo for Chinese tourism
Chinese Horse Art in Logo for Chinese tourism

Besides this, horse symbols can also be seen in teaware, cup jars, etc.all over China which shows their love and dedication toward horse art.

Below you can watch two videos that shows how to paint horses in Chinese ink and wash technic.

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